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This page provides information for a recent Singles Volunteers event.
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 Tony and Tina's Wedding (June 8)

I know, I know, It just drips with irony, Single Volunteers going to a wedding together. For those of you who are, as yet, uninitiated, Tony and Tina's wedding is a semi-scripted, semi-improvisational audience participation caricature of an Italian wedding. Therefore, the more the audience gets involved the better the show. This being their last show until November, there seemed to be a bit of extra energy in the air and the actors did feed upon it, readily. Some of us even got "dressed up" for the occasion, myself included. Art and I were in our best 70's outfits complete with powder blue suits and open shirts "showing lots of hair and gold chain". Elaine's "flower girl gone bad" was a hit with many of the cast, so much so that she was "hit on " by most of the cast. Adele, Amy, and Krista were absolutely stunning in their bridesmaid regalia. I'm sure Adele would make a wonderful addition to the cast, I wonder, did she plan to wear the same color as the rest of the "casted" bridesmaids? And what, exactly, was Dean doing with Tina over at the other Table? (I wish I had pictures!). 
The show was a hoot, and the food was pretty good too. I think we all had a good time. Afterwards the cast invited all who attended over to The Drink, across the street, where a few of us "danced the night away". None of us who came dressed up had thought to bring a change of clothes along, so we went to The Drink "in costume". We were the hit of the party, so much so, that I think I'm going to go back to the thrift store for some more "cool duds".
The only thing that could have made the evening better would have been to have more of us there. Well, maybe next time.
Your reporter at large.

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