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Single Volunteers of Calgary

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This page provides information for a recent Singles Volunteers event.
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Mustard Seed Donations (Sep 18)

After the group met at Michaels for dinner, we headed off to the Seed Donations area. This was the first time in this area, for all of us. We split into two groups, one group went to the food storage area and one to the supplies area. In typical SVC fashion we quickly organized ourselves and proceeded to stock the shelves while at the same time re-organizing them. Anyways the store rooms were much neater and better organized when we finished and the lady in charge of these areas was extremely pleased with our work. She then took time to show us the "store", an area where clients can come to "shop" for new wardrobes. She also commented on how they were short of things like jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, socks and underwear, especially now that the weather is turning colder, they could use some warm clothes out on the street.

Afterwards we headed back to Michael's for a well deserved drink, and some post event conversation. One of our newer members commented, she would now feel more comfortable coming out to social events, now that she knew some more people through volunteering. Anyways all in all a successful event, makes you appreciate how fortunate you really are.



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