About Us Our Membership Agreement Application to join

Single Volunteers of Greater Wilmington Area
Please submit online or print, fill out, and mail form to:
180 w. Hunting Horn Lane,
Glen Mills, PA 19342-2204

Title: Miss Ms. Mr.

Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:


Email address:




How did you learn of SV?


Age: 20s  30s   40s  50s   60s   70+


Availability:  (Put check wherever you are sometimes available)
Sun  Mon  Tues Wed  Thur Fri  Sat 

Would you be willing to be a vital team leader some or all of the time?  (leads the project on site)

  Never   Sometimes  Anytime I'm available

 Would you help make phone calls?   Never   Sometimes

Types of volunteer activities that interest you:


Suggestions of nonprofits you know that might need volunteer teams:


Your Skills:


I have read the terms for volunteering and agree not to hold anyone affiliated with this program responsible for any harm that might come to me upon volunteering.  Yes        No