We If you represent a social service agency in the Greater Wilmington area, and feel that a dedicated work team could benefit your organization, please feel free to contact us at singlevolsgwa@yahoo.com.
Our goal is to provide volunteers to perform a service for nonprofit agencies in the greater Wilmington area. Our only prerequisite will be that our volunteers must do the actual work as a team, so they can get to know each other at the same time they are serving your needs.
Until we have recruited a sufficient number of volunteers, we may have to turn you down, depending on the day or time of day, or provide fewer than the requested number of volunteers. However, we will be very upfront with you at all times to let you know the odds. The more advance notice you give us (2 weeks minimum), the greater the likelihood that we can fill the entire request.
Even if you have no need now, or this time we are unable to accept the task, it would help us to compile a list of prospective agencies and the type of services that may be needed in the future to hear from you, while we continue to look for more new members.
If you have questions, feel free to e-mail singlevolsgwa@yahoo.com.